2024 Susanna Hill’s Valentiny Contest

by Lori Himmel 
213 words 

On a gray day in January, Ruby’s big sister Juliet packed her bags for college. 

“Don’t go!” cried Ruby.
Juliet, gave Ruby a hug.

“What about our Valentine’s Day poems?” asked Ruby. 
It just wouldn’t be the same as slipping a poem under Juliet’s door, like she did every year.
“Let’s still write each other poems, but this year, we’ll mail them,” said Juliet.

After Juliet drove away, Ruby sat down to write.
Her pencil froze. 
Her crayon wouldn’t budge. 
Her tears blurred the page. 

January dragged on, sunless and gray.
Ruby thought and thought.
Still nothing. 

Finally in February, the fog lifted.
Only five more days until Valentine’s Day.
Ruby concentrated and wrote: 

Valentine’s Day won’t be the same
Please come home and play

She paced in the kitchen.

Cards and flowers 
Chocolate hearts
You’re too far away! 

“It doesn’t even rhyme!”
Ruby studied the picture of her and Juliet singing karaoke. 


I love you, sister!
You’re like a song,
Please come home
We’re sister strong!


Ruby sealed the envelope and dropped it in the mail. 
On Valentine’s Day, Ruby checked the mail, fingers crossed.

There it was!
She ran inside and opened the pink envelope. 

Miles don’t matter
I love you more
Hurry up…
Open the door!


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